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About this Treatment

The aim of Pharmacotherapy for the treatment of obesity is to achieve weight loss of >15%, along with improved levels of hunger and satiety. The treatment aims to prevent the complications of obesity and/or to reduce pre-existing complications of obesity.

Pharmacotherapy treatment for SVPH patients will be delivered by our clinical partners. For medication assessment patients will be referred to My Best Weight Clinic in Dalkey. Patients wishing to include exercise in their treatment can be referred to Medfit Proactive Healthcare in Blackrock.

Pharmacotherapy patients of the My Best Weight Clinic will have access to:

  • Consultations with either Professor le Roux or Dr. Mick Crotty 
  • Consultations with a Dietitian if indicated
  • These consultations may include diagnosis of the causes of obesity, explanation of the how long term weight loss maintenance can be achieved, realistic goal setting and selection of the treatment which may suit patients best