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About our service

The Radiology Department at St. Vincent’s Private Hospital is one of the largest radiology serves in the country. It offers a full range of diagnostic and interventional services, from digital mammography to ultrasound, CT, MRI and interventional procedures.

The department strives to provide a high-quality, safe and compassionate service to patients through medical imaging. We aim to do this in an efficient and friendly manner ensuring privacy and confidentiality.

The department is made up of 18 consultant radiologists working in conjunction with highly qualified radiographers and nurses and supported by experienced administrators.

We are one of the largest radiology practices in the country. Each of our 18 consultant radiologists is international fellowship trained and specialise in 12 clinical areas. All have close links with University College Dublin (UCD) and the Faculty of Radiologists in Ireland in terms of teaching, research and education. Many of our experts also have additional training in imaging for different areas of the body, such as the abdomen (or belly), breast, bones and muscles, as well as for diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Click the tab below for a full overview of our imaging fees: 

CT Scans*                 €400 per area
CT Cardiac €550
CT Colon* €550
DEXA €140
Mammogram* €200
MRI Non Contrast*                    €350 per area
MRI with Contrast*        €475 per area
MRI Cardiac Scan €570 
Ultrasound €220
X-ray                                        €100                                    


(*)This test may be covered by a direct payment agreement in certain cases. Patients are asked to check with their insurance provider as cover varies widely depending on your plan, your health history and the type of examination being done.

If no direct cover is available, patients are expected to pay in full on the day and prior to the exaination.

Types of imaging provided

Your team

Meet the people

Prof. Colin Cantwell

Prof. Colin Cantwell


Full Profile
Prof. Conor Collins

Prof. Conor Collins


Full Profile
Dr. Anne Foster

Dr. Anne Foster


Full Profile
Dr. Eric Heffernan

Dr. Eric Heffernan


Full Profile
Dr. Ronan Kileen

Dr. Ronan Kileen


Full Profile
Dr. Jeff Mc Cann

Dr. Jeff Mc Cann


Full Profile
Dr. Ailbhe O Neill

Dr. Ailbhe O Neill


Full Profile
Dr. Ronan Ryan

Dr. Ronan Ryan


Full Profile
Dr. Stephen Skehan

Dr. Stephen Skehan


Full Profile

Imaging guidelines for referring GPs and consultants:

How to refer to our radiology service

You can refer your patients by using the following referral channels. These servicesa re available to both inpatients and outpatients.

  • Healthlink (GP practice management system)
  • Email us at radiology@svph.ie. Each referral must be written, justified with adequate clinical information, and take account of previous procedures and non-radiation alternatives - download our radiology referral form. 
  • Call (01) 263 8030 Monday to Friday  08.00 – 17.00


Please ensure to include:

  • Patients Full Name
  • Patients Date of Birth
  • Patients Address
  • Specific scan required
  • Clinical Information/Reason for referral
  • GP Signature and MCN
  • Date of Referral


Additional appointment details

  • Appointments only
  • these services are available to both Inpatient and Outpatient
  • Request are scheduled according to priority/ urgency
  • Direct payment may be available in some circumstances subject to your private health insurance provider and  policy

Urgent referrals are always given priority and given an appropriate appointment.

Our radiology department receives and triages the referral letters. We give priority to urgent referrals. Once your referral letter is triaged, our team will contact you to arrange an appointment.

GPs / referring clinicians 

Every image is read and interpreted on-site by a specialty- trained consultant radiologist. Images can be accessed by all relevant medical staff within the hospital whilst GPs can access electronic reports via Healthlink. Results are also sent to the referring clinician. 

For additional copies, there are different routes depending on whether you are a patient or a clinician.

  • Clinicians can request copies of radiology results from X@svph.ie
  • Patients can request copies of radiology results from X@svph.ie

A hardcopy DVD of your imaging can be requested by email at X@svph.ie by providing your name, date of birth, hospital number (if known) and the date and type of scan.